978-535-4035 info@zolotasbros.com

A new year is here, 2013 has arrived, which means a new oil to natural gas conversion program from National Grid. There are several differences in the rebates from last year that consumers should know about. Most of the changes revolve around the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE). You always want your boiler to operate above 77%, anything lower you are spending too much money to heat your home. National Grid cut back a lot on its mail-in rebates. Especially for the Alpine Forced Hot water products which were reduces $500 from all its models, and American Standard Ultra High Efficiency equipment was reduced $350 to $500. The most important changes came from the Alpine AFUE percentages, in 2012 all of the products were above 96% which brought customers a rebate of $1500 instead of this years $1000 because of their 92% rating. The Freedom Forced Hot water Boiler efficiency was reduced down from 95% to 91%.
The 2013 rebate program from GasNetworks has some changes from the previous year as well. A natural gas furnace with electronically communicated motor went up from greater than 96% to 97% and is only offering a $450 rebate down from $800. Next a natural gas furnace that is 95% is only offering a $300 rebate which is down from $500. On to natural gas hot water boilers, greater than 95% down from 96%, with the rebate staying the same amount of $1500. The final change from GasNetworks is with the on-demand tankless water heater which lowered their energy factor from greater than .95 to .94 that comes with an $800 dollar rebate. The reason why some of these increases / decreases are considered a big deal is because of the price of the equipment that conforms to the guidelines.
The thermostat rebates are always the ones that are overlooked by homeowners. You can get $25 dollars back on up to two 7-day programmable thermostats. New to the rebates this year is the Wi-Fi thermostats which offer $100 rebates on up to 2 per account. Even though most of the rebates are down from 2012, using these two companies to help in purchasing new energy efficient equipment is a bargain. They allow you to purchase the equipment at very reasonably prices compared to going through your contractors supply house. All you have to do is tell your contractor to order the equipment through the National Grid program and they will order it through a newly constructed website called conversionprogram.net.

Any other questions you may have about the program or installation, please contact us via email at zolotasbros@gmail.com

National Grid Rebates

GasNetworks Rebates